Michael Wex, renowned author and humorist, joins regular cohosts
Leye Shporer-Leavitt, Sholem Beinfeld, and Mark David for a
semi-serious discussion about Jewish humor and Purim. Info:
http://michaelwex.com Note: some of this material was presented the
previous week, but some had to be cut due to time limitatioms. This
is an extended edition.
Binah Landau: Purim Lid
Leyke Post: Purim, accompanied by Rubin Ossofsky
Gadi Yagil: Di Elegye fun Fastrigose
Ruth Rubin: Yakhne-Dvoshke Fort in Shtot (Hop Mayne Homentashn)
Avraham Horowitz: Revah (Revach Vehatzala), composed by Grand
Rabbi Moshe Horowitz (the Bostoner Rebbe)
Intro instrumental music: DEM HELFANDS TANTS, an instrumental
track from the CD Jeff Warschauer: The Singing Waltz