Motl Murstein: Holocaust Poem Translated from Polish (new); English Yiddish Dictionary Interviews (repeat)

Motl Murstein: Holocaust Poem Translated from Polish (new); English Yiddish Dictionary Interviews (repeat)

Show notes

Local long-time listener and occasional contributor Mark (Motl) Murstein recited his own translation of a poem written in Polish about the Holocaust, which to our knowledge had never been translated, much less broadcast, before! Also, Mark gave sang us a "popular" song, of which we have to date not found any recordings.

Also, we replayed excerpts of the interview aired July 13, 2016, with English-Yiddish Dictionary editors, which we described as follows:

  • Gitl Schaechter-Viswanath and Paul (Hershl) Glasser, the editors of the just-published Comprehensive English-Yiddish Dictionary. Airing part 1 tonight (7/13/16) and part 2 next week (7/20/16). Interviewers: Iosif Lakhman and Dovid Braun.
  • Check out dictionary web page at League for Yiddish:

Air date: August 24, 2016

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