Pnina Sharf: Survivor from Poland, Marek Gaysinskiy: Zumer-Program Report

Pnina Sharf: Survivor from Poland, Marek Gaysinskiy: Zumer-Program Report

פּנינה שאַרף, לעבן-געבליבענע פֿון פּוילן; מאַרעק גײַסינסקי: באַריכט פֿון דער זומער-פּראָגראַם

Show notes

Highlights: Mark ("Marek") Gaysinskiy reports from the Yivo-Bard Zumer-Program; Pnina Sharf, a resident of Los Angeles and a Holocaust survivor from Poland, talks about her life experiences; from Boston's Yiddish past: a performance by the late Cantor Gregor Shelkan, performing a song about what will happen when Meshiekh (the Messiah) comes (recorded in 1999 at the Cantorial concert in honor of Cantor Simon Kandler).

  • Intro instrumental music: DEM HELFANDS TANTS, an instrumental track from the CD Jeff Warschauer: The Singing Waltz

Air Date: July 17, 2024



Pnina Sharf

Pnina Sharf

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Marek Gaysinskiy

Marek Gaysinskiy

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